Board Members

Filiz Shah
Founder and President of Women of World Stage WOWS Inc.
Founding Director, Concept Creator and Vocal Member of Voices of World Choir
Founding Director, Concept Creator and Vocal Member of WOWS Multicultural Music Group
Filiz Shah was born in Turkey and was a leader at a young age. At 9 years of age, Filiz began the first children’s club in her neighbourhood. In high school, Filiz also started the Street Gazette in her neighbourhood and the first girl’s soccer team in her school.
Filiz graduated in Business Administration at Anadolu University. Whilst studying Filiz also led the training department and customer services Department for a major software company.
As well as heading two departments, Filiz also enjoyed writing and was a regular writer for an online magazine for Turkish patriots across the world. Her articles brought her to Australia where she now calls home.
While Filiz has enjoyed many achievements, she has also experienced many challenges in life – as a woman, a migrant and mother. She is also grateful for the experiences, victories and struggles of other women. Filiz’s passion is to inspire, connect and empower women from all around the world, and has formed Women of the World Stage (WOWS) to be the platform where much sharing and learning is done. Ultimately Filiz hopes that WOWS will grow into a worldwide organisation from which all women can benefit.

Mirela is a teacher of children and the learner of life. She is passionate about gender equality and the balance in the society.

Talat Aman
Committee Member
Talat is from India and has been in Perth since 2011. She is a Mechanical engineer from Jamia University, India. She possesses over 18 years of rich work experience in marketing, project management & client relationship management. Talat is a resilient woman and has gone through difficult challenges in life as a woman, mother and a housewife. She strongly believes that every woman should have her own identity as sometimes we forget who we are and devote ourselves completely towards family and raising kids.
Talat choose to become WOWS committee member as she believes it will be a great platform to contribute to society specially helping migrant women to find their identity and help them get back to their profession careers, as she herself has gone through similar situations. WOWS apart from doing social welfare activities such as dance, singing and music classes also plans to focus on women’s mental health and wellbeing. It will a great place to friends and mentors to build a network.

Maya Irjayanti
Maya obtained her PhD from the School of Management at Curtin University of Western Australia. Her thesis investigated the local wisdom of Indonesian female entrepreneurs in the Arts
Maya has published many research articles and books about management, business, performance management, creative industry, and women’s entrepreneurship.
Maya’s passion is to participate in meaningful activities that supports women in many ways, and this is why she has joined WOWS and is on the Board.
Maya has been involved with WOWS since March 2019. For Maya, WOWS is not only the place for expanding her network but also the place that values and respects the diversity of women.

Narges Kashmiri
Commitee Member
Narges was born in Afghanistan but grew up in Iran. She has qualifications in management and curriculum planning and was an English teacher in Iran. Having migrated to Australia in 2017 she has faced the challenges of migration and finding the community where she feels she belongs.
She chose to be involved with WOWS as a committee member as she found WOWS as a second home that gives her a sense of belonging and fulfilment. She loves to be with people from different cultures and she believes that WOWS has done a great job in creating this platform and opportunity for everyone in a friendly and safe environment.